My DIY Gym

Best Homemade Deadlift Platform With Band Attachments

How to build a budget friendly homemade deadlift platform with band attachments. If you want a pre-made platform, find it here on Amazon: Homemade Deadlift Platform – Materials Needed -9 2″ x 4″ x8′ construction grade (or better) wood studs (6 uncut boards, 4 4′ sections, 2 2′ sections, and 4 1′ sections)-1 2″x3″x8″ -2 4’x8′ x 1/2″ Sheets Plywood (cut into 3 2’x6′ sections, the 2’x4′ -sections will be used as the top of the platform that you’ll stand on)-3 landscaping tiles (rubber) 16×16-1 Box T-25 2 3/4 Deck Screws (get a bit if you don’t have one)-1 Box 2inch finishing nailsOPTIONAL:-4 U-bolt’s (4″ or longer, optional if you want to use bands, or to add later)-2 320lb…

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How to build a deadlift jack

It’s time to learn how to build a deadlift jack. I found some details online and decided to put together a video and a detailed article. You can watch the video to follow along and/or check out the detailed article below. Video correction: these are 3/4 inch pieces, video references a 1″ thickness. If you purchased 1″ pieces, that is completely fine and will work just the same. How to build a deadlift jack – Materials Needed 1 – 3/4″ x 12″ galvanized pipe4 – 3/4″ x 2.5″ galvanized pipe4 – 3/4″ galvanized T pieces2 – 3/4″ elbow joints How to build a deadlift jack – Instructions Start at the base with a T connector and attach (by screwing them…

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Olympic Barbells Tips – What to look out for

Let’s check out some key olympic barbells tips! The olympic barbell is typically a 7′ barbell (well, 86″ actually) that has 2″ sleeves which are the typical hole size of an olympic weight plate. These bars typically weigh 45 pounds and are often part of a home gym starter kit. They are also the key target for gym goers to call dibs on in the gym (because the gym typically has a variety of bars, and the best one is often sought out and held captive. This is somewhat honest and somewhat humor). Olympic Barbells Tips – Main Barbell Components There are a few key terms of a barbell to understand before we get into what is important in a…

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